E-Editions of The Modern Square, in PDF format, are noted below. Note that for some years, some months had no issue published, and e-Editions are NOT available before 2015.
As we've discontinued printing The Modern Square, please consider donating $5 to the ASSDF via the ASSDF Treasurer, to help pay for the website/hosting fees going forward. The final print edition (December, 2023) is available here, and it will remain on the website for posterity. Going forward, the e-Edition continues, in "3 flavors" as follows (PDF viewer required):
1) Full e-Edition, with special dance flyers/ads...current and back issues can be found here -- for the back issues, just scroll down the page to the desired link. This is just like the original print edition was...but in color, and all the links (unless within ads) are clickable.
2) Compact e-Edition, without the special dance flyers/ads (for those on a limited cellphone or internet data plan). Like the full e-Edition, the links (unless within ads) are clickable. The current issue (January, 2025) can be found here. Back issues to July, 2023, are available by email request to assdfmodernsquare at gmail dot com
3) Special Dance Photos (including from selected club special dances, and the ASSDF Fall Festival) are now in separate PDF files, and can be found here. These files can be rather large, so if you're on dial-up internet, it will take some time to download these.
I looked back through past e-Editions, both on the website, and on my computer...and I couldn't find any photos from the 2016 Fall Festival, and the 2020 Fall Festival was canceled, due to Covid-19. The other place to check for other photos is the Arkansas' Fall Festival Page on Facebook, located here.
You can get email notifications on these releases, as well as updates on ASSDF clubs (special dances, lessons, last minute cancellations, etc.) by sending an email with your name and email address to assdfmodernsquare at gmail dot com
The deadline for publication is 3pm US Central Time, Sunday, following the last Saturday of the month...and the new issue will be released sometime that evening, or the next morning. Items that miss the deadline will have to wait until the next issue.